1, 2, 3, 4 CAKE
This kinda reminds me of the nursery rhyme,”1,2 buckle my shoe.3.4 shut the door….”
Most of you follow recipes and blogs to the “T” and some do variations but it’s not quite easy to actually remember the last recipe you got applauded for (especially when you have to make the same thing to impress another set of guest!!!)
Many baking recipes need a weighing scale to actually be precise in what you do. Something a novice baker might not have when they take their baby steps into baking. Fear not, this recipe is to your rescue This recipe is from my grandmother and I would recommend it for every beginner, who desires to learn baking cakes.
It is very important to get everything (ingredients and tools) ready on the work station before you start.
- 1 Cup Butter (226 grams)
- 2 Cups Granulated Sugar (400 grams)
- 3 Cups All-purpose flour/Maida (384 grams)
- 4 large Eggs
- Milk – 1 cup
- Baking powder – 3 teaspoon
- Vanilla Essence – 2 teaspoon
- Salt – 1 tea spoon
- Nutmeg – 1/4 tea spoon powdered (optional)
Ensure all the ingredients are at room temperature. It is better to keep butter and eggs outside the refrigerator an hour before you start up with the mixing process.
Grease 2 X 7 or 8 inch baking tins with shortening and dust with little flour. Tip out all the excess flour. You can even grease and line with baking paper.
Add salt, baking powder and nutmeg powder to the flour and sieve the mix few times and set aside.
Pre heat the oven at 180 degree centigrade.
In a mixing bowl, add the measured softened butter and powdered granulated sugar. Start creaming the butter and sugar mixture with a mixer or with a spatula. Continue creaming it till it is soft and fluffy. Start adding eggs, one at a time, and continue with the creaming process. Repeat adding all the eggs. Scrape down the side of the mixing bowl in between and mix until all the eggs are totally incorporated and you have a very soft and fluffy mix. Add vanilla essence and mix well.
Start adding the flour mix and milk , little at a time, say in 4 turns. Gently fold the mix, till the flour is fully incorporated. Do not over mix, just gently fold in.
In case you find the batter too thick, add 1 table spoon of milk (at room temperature) at a time and fold the mix. The desired batter should fall like a ribbon when it falls from a height.
Pour the cake batter into the prepared baking tin. Tap on the work table, so that any air trapped in it could be expelled. It is always advised to push the batter from the center out to the edges, just before you put the cake for baking. This would ensure a leveled cake top, than a domed one.
Bake in the pre heated oven for 35 to 45 minutes, or till a wooden skewer inserted in the center comes out clean and dry.
Remove the cake from the oven and let it rest for 5 to 10 Minutes. Then gently tap the bottom, if required run a knife along the outer edges. Unmould the cake and let it cool completely on a wire rack. Slice with a serrated bread knife and enjoy.
You can wrap in a baking paper and seal in a cling film and store at room temperature for a week or can be refrigerated in an air tight container.
Tips 1: Organize all the ingredients on the work table before you start. All mixing bowls and spoons need to be dry.
Tips 2: All ingredients should be at room temperature.
Tips 3: Ensure you beat/mix the butter/powdered sugar till its soft and fluffy, it will take some time though.
Tips 4: Add eggs only one at a time, or else the mix will curdle.
Tips 5: Do not use the mixer after you add the flour, just gently fold in using a spoon or spatula.
Tips 6: Pre heat the oven, do not open the oven during baking.
Tips 7: Let the cake rest outside for 10 minutes after baking before unmoulding.
Tips 8: It is always better to store the cake in an air tight container, wrapped with a baking sheet and sealed with a cling foil to retain the moistness of the cake. Slice the cake when required. Storing of sliced cakes may make it dry.
Tips 9: You can flavor the cake by adding zest and juice of 1 medium sized orange, just before folding in the flour, a subtle change , but with amazing results in its flavor and aroma.
Tip 10: To make a chocolate cake, with the same recipe
I) Remove 8 tbs of flour from the 3 cups flour.
II) Replace with 8 tbs Cocoa powder.
III) Sieve the flour and cocoa powder, along with the baking powder.
IV) Instead of 3 tsp baking powder, Add 1 1/2 tsp of baking powder and 1 1/2 tsp baking soda.
V) I prefer to use buttermilk or curd instead of milk for chocolate cakes.
VI) Do not add nutmeg powder.
Hi Sumod,
Your receipy is very good for vanilla cake.
My only question is my cake always breaks
In between. What are the main causes for this. I followed the exact receipy.
Check the oven temperature
Hi thanks for your reply. But the temprature is 180 degree only.
What will be the weight of this cake..How to take measurement for 1kg cake
I bake for family
Thanks sumod
I am making cup cake. How long should I bake
Depends on your oven .. 25 to 30 minutes
Hi if I use a cup what size should I use.
250 ml
Hello Sumod .. you are a known good baker on hbg n today planning to bake first time your this yummy looking recipe but m full of questions n can’t oroceed until get cjaritxin them .
1) if nit wrong u are recommending to use one cake pan of size of 7*2 (height is 2) or 8*2 cake pan ? is it correct?
2) if above yes .. i have 8”cake pan with height of 2 inches.. will it affect my cake in terms of anything ? will i have to change oven temperature or baking time? or will height affect ?
have asked this question on hbg too but didn’t get the satisfactory response.
3) can i cut down this recipe into half?
4) with this amount of flour i have seen people using two cake pan.. here 1 .
is this personal choice that what kind of cake they are making like layered or without layer. is it ?
Please please clarify.. these questions are driving me nuts .. i don’t like to do blind baking without understanding basics ..
Give it a try first
90% of your queries will automatically be clear
Thanks for the recipe sumod tom..my vanilla cake turned out superb …with a scrumptous crumb …it was very tasty as a plain cake as well as a frosted one…definitely my go- to recipe…suggest this to all those who visit ur blog …good luck 👍
Hi, making this recipe now, but I notice there is no salt on the recipe. Would the cake come out alright without salt?
you can add little salt